Pregnancy, Birth, Baby

During the first months of pregnancy, the most important step to ensure a healthy  pregnancy and baby are to find a good gynaecologist and obstetrician. Only an obstetrician is qualified to deliver babies, hence it is important to see if your gynaecologist is also an obstetrician. 

Pregnancy brings different issues and concerns. The first visit to the gynaecologist is the most important one as your health status is assessed with information based on clinical history and laboratory testing.

Pregnancy Test:

The pregnancy test can be performed in blood or in the urine. The first gynaecologist visit confirms the pregnancy and dates it correctly. During this visit the doctor advises the following :
     Folic acid and multivitamin supplements are prescribed.
     The patient is informed about the common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue and insomnia.
     Informs the patient about the various prenatal tests; the times at which they need to be performed.
Stage 1:
During the first 8 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is in the embryonic stage. The baby during this period develops limbs that is their arms and legs. During this time the baby develops its heart and lungs and also neurological nerves that later becomes the brain and spinal cord.

Steps for a Healthy Pregnancy:
We can summarize the steps for a healthy pregnancy in the following ways:

     It is very important to take folic acid supplements during the first three months of pregnancy. Folic acid is naturally present in green vegetables, cereals and dals. In spite of including these natural foods in the daily diet, it is important to take the folic supplements for a healthy baby.
     Include iron-rich foods in your diet, which will help prevent anaemia.
     Cut back on alcohol. Instead, try including fresh fruit juices and smoothies.
     Keep ready to eat snacks handy at work and at home. Snacks should include nuts and fresh fruits, or other homemade foods.
     Take enough sleep during your pregnancy and avoid stress.
     Ask your doctor about light exercise and walks during pregnancy. Yoga is a good option in dealing with stress. Deep breathing exercises and stretching helps reduce stress and refresh your mind. 

Diet Plan:
It is important to take proper nutrients to keep your baby grow healthy and strong. Daily supplements of calcium, iron, folic acid, Vitamin D and Zinc may be required on the advice of your doctor. Other nutrients like chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, Potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are equally important.

A healthy and balanced diet is important to overcome any of these deficiencies during pregnancy. A woman goes into labour between 38 and 40 weeks of pregnancy. A baby born before 37 weeks of pregnancy is called a premature and may need special care in the hospital after birth.

Labour Pain:
Labour is painful, so it is important to be prepared for the labour day. Knowing everything about labour and being prepared will make you feel in control and will make you less frightened. It is important to be relaxed and stay calm. Taking deep breaths, walking around and keeping hot pack near the lower abdomen helps reduce pains.

Stage 2:
After the 9 months of pregnancy and giving birth to a baby, a lot of changes take place. For the mother as well as for the baby the first day is exhausting and thrilling! After the normal vaginal birth, the baby is kept close to the mother for warmth and the baby feels secure. The skin to skin contact with the mother right after the birth will reduce in crying, give warmth to the baby and most importantly will help in breastfeeding.

The baby shows signs to be fed soon after birth. The first milk a mother makes is colostrum and it is the ideal milk for the baby. The baby generally sleeps soon after the first feed. The baby may sleep for more than half a day.

The baby recognizes the voice of the mother soon after the birth and feels secure. The baby’s vision is blurred but can see the mothers face about 30 centimetres away. The baby will soon make connections with the mother.

 Author: Dr. Parul Jain is the Senior Gynaecologist and Obstetrician. She is the best normal delivery
specialist in Gurgaon. She also runs infertility clinic, couples who are not able to get success can contact us.


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