
How effective are Laser Hair Reduction treatments

Laser hair removal in Delhi is a common procedure at skin clinics. Recent years have witnessed great advancements in laser technologies. With this, both men and women are opting for laser hair removal. Before making a decision on the laser for hair removal there are some important aspects that need to be considered. 1. Understanding the Hair growth cycle Hairs are in any one of the three phases. These are: Anagen is the phase of hair growth, this is the time when hair grows and lengthens. Catagen is the phase of transition from Anagen to Telogen. Telogen is the phase of hair fall. Laser for hair reduction works on the Anagen phase of hairs, this explains the need for multiple sessions. 2. Laser light targets the colour at the hair root- Melanin That’s is why the thick, dark hairs are most of the time targeted the best and grey, blonde hairs do not respond to laser hair reduction. 3. Targeted body part and Type of hair Different body parts have v

Pregnancy, Birth, Baby

During the first months of pregnancy , the most important step to ensure a healthy   pregnancy and baby are to find a good gynaecologist and obstetrician. Only an obstetrician is qualified to deliver babies, hence it is important to see if your gynaecologist is also an obstetrician .   Pregnancy brings different issues and concerns. The first visit to the gynaecologist is the most important one as your health status is assessed with information based on clinical history and laboratory testing. Pregnancy Test: The pregnancy test can be performed in blood or in the urine. The first gynaecologist visit confirms the pregnancy and dates it correctly. During this visit the doctor advises the following : ●      Folic acid and multivitamin supplements are prescribed. ●      The patient is informed about the common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fatigue and insomnia. ●      Informs the patient about the various prenatal tests; the times at which they need to be performed

Rhinoplasty: Procedure and Its Types

Rhinoplasty refers to the cosmetic procedure used primarily to enhance the appearance of the nose. In this type of procedure, the bone and the nasal cartilage are modified, or some tissue is added. Rhinoplasty can also be carried to repair nasal fractures and other problems associated with the structure of the nose. The goal in this kind of procedures is to restore the appearance of pre-injury for creating a normal appearance.  While undergoing rhinoplasty, the modifications in the nasal cartilages and bones are done or even some tissue is added, to enhance the visual appeal of the nose. Rhinoplasty is also commonly carried out to repair nasal fractures. Septorhinoplasty is another procedure performed commonly for patients facing nasal obstruction. Rhinoplasty does not only helps in improving the appearance but also removes any internal obstructions and stabilizes structures that may be hindering nasal breathing. What happens before rhinoplasty surgery? ●      This su