
Showing posts from July, 2019

How effective are Laser Hair Reduction treatments

Laser hair removal in Delhi is a common procedure at skin clinics. Recent years have witnessed great advancements in laser technologies. With this, both men and women are opting for laser hair removal. Before making a decision on the laser for hair removal there are some important aspects that need to be considered. 1. Understanding the Hair growth cycle Hairs are in any one of the three phases. These are: Anagen is the phase of hair growth, this is the time when hair grows and lengthens. Catagen is the phase of transition from Anagen to Telogen. Telogen is the phase of hair fall. Laser for hair reduction works on the Anagen phase of hairs, this explains the need for multiple sessions. 2. Laser light targets the colour at the hair root- Melanin That’s is why the thick, dark hairs are most of the time targeted the best and grey, blonde hairs do not respond to laser hair reduction. 3. Targeted body part and Type of hair Different body parts have v